'A Many-splendored Thing' (Love is...) 'Abba Dabba Darling' 'Abba Irresistible' 'Abba Passion' 'Abba Soul Mate' 'Abundant Love' 'Achy Breaky Heart' 'Addicted to Love' 'Affair to Remember' 'Afterglow' 'Afternoon Delight' 'Amazing Love' 'American Sweetheart' 'And You and I' 'Anna the Stripper' 'Artemis' (goddess of fertility and childbirth) 'Baby Doll' 'Band of Gold' 'Bare Necessity' 'Beauty Substance' 'Beckoning' 'Bedazzled' 'Best Man' 'Big Hearted' 'Blind Date' 'Blue Hugger' 'Blue for You' 'Blue Striptease' 'Blue without You' 'Blue Valentine' 'Blushing Bride' 'Bohemia Romantic Waterfall' 'Boyz Toy' 'Brazen Hussy' 'Breathless' 'Breeder's Choice' 'Breeder's Love' 'Bridal Falls' 'Bridal Veil' 'Bridegroom' 'Broken Hearted' 'Burning Desire' 'Candlelight' 'Cheatin Heart' 'Cherish' 'Childhood Fantasy' 'Childhood Sweetheart' 'Chivalry' 'Chuck's Sweetheart' 'Clifford's Broken Heart' 'Climax' 'Cold Heart' 'Cool Mistress' 'Coquette' 'Cosmic Desire' 'Cosmic Eye Candy' 'Cosmic Hot Mama' 'Cosmic Lovin' 'Cosmic Miss Fertile' |
'Country Heartthrob' 'Crazy for You' 'Crinoline Petticoats' 'Cupid's Arrow' 'Cupid's Bow' 'Cupid's Dart' 'Cute as a Button' 'Cutie' 'Cutie Pie' 'Dance with Me' 'Dating Game' 'Dear Heart' 'Dim Those Lights' 'Dixie Chick' 'Dorothy's Wedding Band' 'Double D Cup' 'Dressed to Kill' 'Drop-dead Gorgeous' 'Easy to Love' 'Embraceable You' 'Emerald City Chick' 'Enchantress' 'Enduring Charm' 'Erection' 'Erotica' 'Evening Magic' 'Everlasting Love' 'Excitation' 'Exotic Dancer' 'Exotic Presentation' 'Extasy' 'Eye Candy' 'Eye Catcher' 'Fair Maiden' 'Fairest Maiden' 'Faithful Heart' 'Fantasy' 'Fatal Attraction' 'Fiftieth Anniversary' 'Fireworks' 'First Date' 'First Impressions' 'First Kiss' 'First Love' 'First Mate' 'Flirtatious' 'Fond Farewell' 'Fond Hope' 'Fond Memory' 'Foolish Heart' 'For Your Eyes Only' 'Forbidden Fruit' 'Forever Yours' 'Foxy' 'Foxy Cat' 'Foxy Doxy' 'Foxy Lady' 'Fragrant Maiden' 'French Kiss' 'French Quarter' 'Frosted Heart' |
'Full Frontal' 'Gallant Heart' 'Gay Search' 'Georgia Sweetheart' 'Get Nekkid' 'Giantland Dash of Love' 'Giantland Hearts on Fire' 'Giantland Love under the Stars' 'Glowing Heart' 'Gold Heart' 'Golden Girl' 'Golden Memories' 'Good Lovin' 'Goosebumps' 'Great Desire' 'Groomsman' 'Gypsy Rose' 'Hanky Panky' 'Happily Ever After' 'Happy Hearts' 'Harlot' 'Heart and Soul' 'Heart Broken' 'Heart of Gold' 'Heart Strings' 'Heart Throb' 'Heart's Content' 'Heart's Delight' 'Heart's Desire' 'Heartache' 'Heartbeat' 'Heartbreaker' 'Hearts and Flowers' 'Hearts in Motion' 'Hearts on Fire' 'Heartsong' 'Her Royal Hotness' 'High, Wide, and Handsome' 'Home Run' 'Honey' 'Honey Bunch' 'Honey Hill Pucker Up' 'Honey Moon' 'Honey Pie' 'Hooter' 'Hot Button' 'Hot Flash' 'Hot Kiss' 'Hot Lips' 'Hotcakes' 'Hotspur' 'Hottie' 'Hottsy Tottsy' 'Hugs and Kisses' 'Hugs for You' 'Illicit Affair' 'Imagine Love' 'Incredible Hunk' 'Infatuation' |
'Innocent Desire' 'Instant Gratification' 'Island Fling' 'Island Heartbreaker' 'Jilted Lover' 'Justa Gigolo' 'Keuka Kiss' 'Keuka Love' 'Kiss Me Farewell' 'Kiss Me Kwick' 'Kiss Me Kwick and Don't Slobber' 'Kiss of Innocence' 'Kisserina' 'Kissing Cousin' 'Kiwi Full Monty' 'Kwickie' 'Lacy Belle' 'Lady Godiva' 'Lady in Blue' 'Lady in Red' 'Lady in Waiting' 'Lakeside Beloved' 'Lakeside Cupid's Cup' 'Lakeside Dimpled Darling' 'Lakeside Dixie Doll' 'Lakeside Love Affaire' 'Lakeside Midnight Miss' 'Lakeside Pillow Talk' 'Lakeside Slick Chick' 'Lap Dance' 'Lapdance' 'Last Dance' 'Lemon Love Note' 'Let Me Entertain You' 'Let's Streak' 'Li'l Smooch' 'Light My Fire' 'Lipstick Blonde' 'Little Darling' 'Little Doll' 'Little Hottie' 'Little Star Struck' 'Little Stiffy' 'Little Streaker' 'Little Town Flirt' 'Lonesome and Blue' 'Lookin' Pretty' 'Lotsa Love' 'Lotte's Love' 'Love Bug' 'Love Burst' 'Love Child' 'Love in the Afternoon' 'Love is Real' 'Love Joy' 'Love Me Tender' 'Love Nest' 'Love of Life' 'Love of My Life' |
'Love Pat' 'Love Poem' 'Love Potion #9' 'Love Song' 'Love Spat' 'Love Tap' 'Love You' 'Lovelight' 'Lovely to Behold' 'Lover's Leap' 'Lovey Dovey' 'Lucky in Love' 'Magic Moment' 'Magnificent Obsession' 'Maya Infatuation' 'Midnight Mistress' 'Midnight Ride' 'Miss You' 'Mistress' 'Moon Split' 'Moonstruck' 'My Darling' 'My Desire' 'My Forbidden Romance' 'My Girl' 'My Heart' 'My Heartbreaking Romance' 'My Hollywood Romance' 'My Old Flame' 'My Passion' 'My Precious' 'My Valentine' 'Mystery Date' 'Naked Lady' 'Nightlife' 'None Lovelier' 'Obscene Gesture' 'Obsession' 'Oh Baby Mine' 'Oh My Darling' 'Oh My Heart' 'OHS Love in the Mist' 'Only You' 'Ooh La La' 'Paradise Passion' 'Patricia the Stripper' 'Peepshow' 'Pete's Passion' 'Pillow Talk' 'Pin-up' 'Pin-up Girl' |
'Playboy' 'Playmate' 'Pleasure Seeker' 'Pole Dance' 'Pop the Question' 'Pretty Girl' 'Pretty One' 'Pretty Woman' 'Prince Charming' 'Private Dancer' 'Pucker Up' 'Pure Heart' 'Purple Passion' 'Rapture' 'Raving Beauty' 'Ready' 'Rebel Heart' 'Reddy Eddy' 'Red-hot Mama' 'Regal Affair' 'Risky Business' 'Romance' 'Rosebud' 'Rosedale Light My Fire' 'Rosedale Loving Lady' 'Rosedale My Love' 'Rosedale Shady Lady' 'Rosedale Viagra' 'Rough and Ready' 'Royal Charmer' 'Royal Wedding' 'Rumpled Sheets' 'Satin Bloomers' 'Satisfaction' 'Say Yes' 'Scensuous' 'Scintillation' 'Searing Flame' 'Secret Ambition' 'Secret Love' 'Secret Passion' 'Secret Thoughts' 'Seduced' 'Seducer' 'Seduction' 'Sentimental Journey' 'Shady Affair' 'Shady Lady' 'Shady Lover' 'Sheer Bliss' |
'Short and Sweet' 'Show Girl' 'Show Me' 'Show Me More' 'Show Piece' 'Silver Anniversary' 'Simple Pleasure' 'Simply Irresistible' 'Sitting Pretty' 'Skinny Dippin' 'Slick Chick' 'Slick Willie' 'Small Parts' 'Smoochy' 'Sneak Peek' 'Sneak Preview' 'So Big' 'Soft Shoulders' 'Soft Touch' 'Sophisticated Lady' 'Spellbound' 'Splashed Heart' 'Spring Delight' 'Spring Fling' 'Spring Love' 'Stark Naked' 'Stimulation' 'Stolen Kiss' 'Stone's Valentine' 'Streaker' 'Streaker Heaven' 'Streaker's Passion' 'Streaking Buck Naked' 'Streaking Frenzy' 'Streaking Party' 'Strip Poker' 'Stripped Naked' 'Stripper' 'Stripshow' 'Striptease' 'Striptease Streaker' 'Stud' 'Stud Muffin' 'Sugar and Spice' 'Sugar Babe' 'Sugar Daddy' 'Sugar Mama' 'Sum Like it Hot' 'Summer Love' 'Summer Lovin' 'Summer Serenade' 'Summer Wedding' |
'Surrender' 'Sweet Affection' 'Sweet Blonde Babe' 'Sweet Diversion' 'Sweet Dreams' 'Sweet Innocence' 'Sweet Pea' 'Sweet Thing' 'Sweetheart' 'Sweetie' 'Swinger' 'Swirling Hearts' 'Tall, Dark, and Handsome' 'Take Me Home' 'Tassels' 'Teltow Gay Honey Moon' 'Temptation' 'Temptress' 'The Right One' 'The Right Stuff' 'Thumbs Up' 'Tight Squeeze' 'Timeless Beauty' 'Titillation' 'Tremont Sho Girl' 'True Love' 'Twist of Fate' 'Twisted Hearts' 'Unbridled Passion' 'Unexpected Pleasure' 'Unforgettable' 'Valentine' 'Valley's Endless Love' 'Valley's Falling in Love' 'Valley's Guilty Pleasure' 'Valley's Hot Legs' 'Valley's Love Birds' 'Valley's Love Buzz' 'Valley's Love Cats' 'Valley's Smoozy Lady' 'Valley's Tainted Love' 'Valley's Wild Romance' 'Voluptuous Valerie' 'Wedding Band' 'Wedding Belle Blues' 'Wedding Night' 'Whirlwind Romance' 'White Hot' 'White Tie Affair' 'White Undies' 'Wild Nights' 'X-rated' 'Xanadu Infatuation' 'You Light Up My Life' 'Yours Truly' |
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