'Abiqua Kaleidoscope' 'Baby Doll' 'Balloons' 'Big Old Teddy Bear' 'Birthday Cake' 'Birthday Candles' 'Blue Clown' 'Bottle Rockets' 'Boy Shooting Arrows' 'Broken Wagon' 'Carnival' 'Carousel' 'Cartwheels' 'Checkerboard' 'Childhood Fantasy' 'China Doll' 'Circus Clown' 'Clown' 'Clown's Collar' 'Cookie Monster' 'Crayola Kid' 'Crayons' 'Cubby Bear' 'Cute as a Button' 'Ferris Wheel' 'Game Boy' 'I Spy' 'I'm My Kid's Mom' 'Kaleidoscope' 'Kermit' 'Kite' |
'Lakeside Hoola Hoop' 'Lakeside Kaleidoscope' 'Lakeside Lollipop' 'Lakeside Lullaby' 'Lasergame' 'Little Doll' 'Little Tyke' 'Little Tykes' 'Lullabye' 'Merry-go-round' 'Michael's Mud Pie' 'Mini Mouse' 'Pattycakes' 'Paul Bunyan' 'Peek-A-Boo' 'Peek-a-boo Purple' 'Picadilly Circus' 'Pinwheel' 'Pooh Bear' 'Road Runner' 'Roller Coaster' 'Roller Coaster Ride' 'Rosedale Barnie' 'Rosedale Peek-a-Boo' 'Rosedale Tinker Toy' 'Rubber Ducky' |
'Satin Doll' 'School Bus' 'Scooby Doo' 'Scooter' 'See Saw' 'Shining Tot' 'Silly String' 'Skipping School' 'Smokey Bear' 'Smurfette' 'Spilt Milk' 'Teddy Bear' 'The Children's Hour' 'Tiddlywinks' 'Tiny Tot' 'Total Justice' 'Toy Soldier' 'Tucker Tiny Tot' 'Warwick Lullabye' 'Whirligig' 'Whirlybird' 'White Clown' 'Yo Yo' |
See also Nursery Rhymes/Story Book Characters Garden.
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