Lined-Leaved Hostas

Hostas with lined (or striped) leaves in which the veins are very apparent.

White leaves with green veins:

 'Dixie Queen'
 'Iva Delight'
 'Heart Strings'
 'Kiwi Spearmint'
 'Miss Moon'
 'Mostly Ghostly'
 'Outhouse Delight'
 'Piedmont Stripe'
 'Something Different'
 'Stripshow' (may be virused according to HL)
 'White Feather'
 'White Wall Tire'
 'Winter Storm'
 'Zebra Stripes'

Blue, gold, or green leaves with white veins:

 'Amine Tachi'
 'Danica Poul'
 'Danny's Gift'
 'Electric Love'
 'Gosan Line Up'
 'Lava Flow'
 'Maya Tritone'
 'Second Coming'
 'Tranquility Innuendo'
 'Yikes Stripes'
 'You're So Vein'

 For further reading, see "Does a Virus Cause White Veins?" by Bill Meyer,

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